About the Business
Our clients recommend us because "We're not just good with numbers we're also good with people." We strive to bring a little light into the life of small to medium sized businesses. Total Books offers to help you clear space and time with Sage certified & AAT licensed experts taking over those Bookkeeping and Accounting jobs you'd rather not be doing. We have the commercial know how to advise you on ways to grow and we always take the time to understand your business priorities and individual needs. Not only that, but we offer extremely flexible working hours which suit you.
Perhaps we should also mention, there's no retainer and you can either set a budget upfront or only be billed for the actual time used. This pricing not only makes us extremely popular but also highly competitive.
Location & Hours
Alexandra Gate Business Centre 2
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Email Address
Total Books (Cardiff) Accountants, Bookkeepers & Tax advisers Alexandra Gate, Alexandra Gate Business Centre 2, Cardiff CF24 2SA
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Alexandra Gate Business Centre 2, Cardiff, CF24 2SA