About the Business

Business transformation coaching for small and medium-size companies who are looking to expand or engage in major change. We deliver world class programmes to ensure leaders can navigate their required business transformation successfully.

We also provide consultancy to develop comprehensive strategies for change that have a success rate 3x the norm in business.

Business Services

Strategy for Change

From On request

We'll engage in a limited number of days to help you define the right strategy for change in your business. Typically delivered as 2-3 on-site workshops with the directors/owners with follow-up. This will help you focus on doing the right things first time as you move forward - thus avoiding the mistake that nearly 100% of businesses make in assuming that they know what the solution should be and start from the wrong place.

This will give you a much higher chance of overall success and avoid wasted expenditure on the wrong tactics. The ROI of this approach is massive, with savings in 6 or 7 figures going forward.

The outcome is a route map to your desired destination. Next steps will depend on the context and inputs required.

Business Transformation Accelerator

From On Request

The Business Transformation Accelerator is a coaching programme that is the accumulation of over 30 years’ experience, research and testing. What you are going to get is valuable coaching into how to manage complex organisational change and deal with really tricky problems without having to rely on getting other people to do it for you. Indeed, when you have completed it, you will have successfully executed major change for your business, without many of the usual risks of getting it wrong.


Rob Wherrett - Principal

Glasgow, Scotland

With over 40 years in business across a wide variety of sectors, Rob brings a wealth of experience to bear for clients. Having taught the practical applications of Managing Innovation & Change for a triple-accredited Business School on top of corporate and consulting roles there are few people better qualified. His clients have ranged from UK Government and multi-nationals to micro businesses and start-ups, with over £4.5bn of benefits delivered over the last 20 years.


Brian - Regional Housebuilder

Barnstaple, Devon

We wanted to redefine our operations and working with Rob gave us the structure and organisation design to do just that.

Robert - Logistics Business

Bridge of Allan, Stirling

Help - I urgently needed a business plan to expand my business! Rob delivered.

Chris - Facilities Management Company

London Bridge, South East London

We needed to expand our £2m business but didn't know where to start. Rob helped us develop a comprehensive route-map to the future.

Alan - Salvi Records

Glasgow, Scotland

Rob was a great help in getting the business where I wanted it to be.  He brought clarity and structure that was missing, allowing me to take control of the direction.

Location & Hours
Glasgow, G20 6RT
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